group of planets that is being pulled together by a single, bright, yellow star called the “Sun”. This group of planets, along with the Sun itself, are called the “Solar System”. In the Solar System, there are nine planets, which are then again grouped into two groups; the terrestrial planets and the Jovian planets. The terrestrial planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, while the Jovian planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. I mentioned earlier that there are nine planets, but there
Neptune; The Final Planet Eighth and last planet from the Sun; Neptune was discovered in a joint British-French-German effort with Johann Gottfried Galle, Urbain Le Verrier and John Couch Adams in 1846. Neptune was officially named after the Roman god of the sea due to its blue coloration not long after the original name Le Verrier; suggested by Galle, was declined by the international astronomical community. This interesting ice giant has had some major scientific theories, findings, and accomplishments
Pluto is not a planet because it doesn’t have all the criteria needed to be defined as a planet. According to, a planet needs to orbit the sun, have enough gravitational pull itself into a spherical shape, and clear its neighborhood by being a dominant source of gravity. The text from states, “In 2005, space probes identified a Kuiper Belt object named Eris that is more massive than Pluto. Eris was classified as a dwarf planet within the Kuiper Belt.” In an article
Pluto is a planet, because it consists of all of the qualities that the other planets have. According to, “Harvard science historian Owen Gingerich, who chairs the IAU planet definition committee argued that a planet is a culturally defined word that changes over time, and that pluto is a planet.” In an article from it states that “According for something to be considered a planet, it must consist of three things. First it must orbit the Sun, second it must be
1. How are the outer planets similar to each other? The outer planets are similar to each other as they all have significant amounts of hydrogen and helium in their atmosphere. All the outer planets are believed to have a rock core. They each have their own unique ring system. While none of these planets can support life as we know it, they do support many orbiting moons. The outer planets have large masses, in comparison to the inner planets. All of the outer planets are named after Greek or Roman
the 8th and farthest planet away from the Sun. It orbits 30.1 astronomical units away from the sun. Neptune takes about 165 earth years to orbit around the sun. A day on Neptune lasts only 16 hours. Seasons on Neptune last more than 40 Earth years. Neptune has a way bigger mass than Earth. Neptune is equal to 17.147 Earths. The diameter at its equator is about 30,775 miles. It is the fourth-largest planet in diameter and the third-largest in mass. Like all the other planets, Neptune turns on its
Pluto should not be a planet because of its eccentric orbit and small mass. ”The IAU decided that a planet had to be an object to orbit around the sun that was massive enough for gravity to squeeze it into a spherical shape.But, also it had to gravitationally dominant, and that meant it must have cleared its surrounding region of other similarly sized objects. But with everything else out there in the Kuiper belt this was Pluto’s downfall” stated Dr Marek Kukula: "Reclassification changes the way
Mars: the Red Planet. It has intrigued us as far back as the Babylonians, who called Mars Negral. The Egyptians were the ones to give Mars a name based on color, the “Red One.” The Romans named their god of war Mars. Over the next almost 2000 years, numerous astronomers did research and observed the planet trying to understand its atmosphere and what may be on the surface. Rover landings in 1997 and 2004 gave us the first up close look at Mars’ surface and is the basis for all the skepticism we have
Gustav Holst's Planets Suite is one of his most famous works. Written in 1916, the suite takes the listener on a journey through each of planets, excluding Earth. As Pluto was not discovered until 1930, Holst did not dedicate a movement to the dwarf planet. Holst stated that his inspiration for each movement is the planet's astrological significance. The Suite opens with "Mars" in a dissonant 5/4 rhythm. Astrologically, Mars represents anger and energy. The opening to the Suite is powerful, and the
Semester Paper Earth has always been known as the only habitable planet in our solar system, until now. A recent exploration has discovered a new alien lifeform on the planet Mercury. To give a better understanding of how amazing this new discovery is, I will explain the genetic makeup of humans living on Earth and the genetic makeup of the alien living on Mercury. First, this paper will explore the living conditions of each planet. Next, I will compare five organ systems found in both humans and
dwarf and farthest planet we know in our solar system. Because Pluto is so small, scientist argue on whether or not it should be a planet. What makes Pluto, so special is the size of it and what’s known as a ‘Dwarf Planet’. Pluto was created by pieces around it just like all the other Dwarf Planets as well. I believe that Pluto should be categorized as a planet. Three reasons that support my belief on ‘Why Pluto Should Be A Planet’ are; Pluto is round just like any other planet, it has five moons
Argumentative Essay By: Abby Hoebeke Have you ever wondered what if we can’t make another planet habitable? “If humans have the technology, knowledge, and ability to transform an uninhabitable planet, moon, or another place in space into an appealing home for humans, then surely we have the technology, knowledge, and ability to fix the problems we’ve created on Earth,” says Britannica. Money that is being spent on a dream of living in space is making Earth suffer. The United States of America shouldn’t
Mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. It is 35,980,000 miles away from the sun. Mercury is known for its speed. It takes 88 days to do one orbit around the sun (one year). But one of the weird things about Mercury is that one day in mercury is 58 earth days 15 hours and 30 minutes! The diameter of mercury is 3,032 miles (4,480 kilometers). Mercury is covered by a thin layer of minerals called silicates in the form of tiny particles. It also has deep craters.The craters were made by comets
anything you write about. With Gustav Holst’s The Planets Op. 32, Holst conveys his view of the solar system and the lore of the planet’s names from mythology through music. Although of some Germanic background on his father’s side, Gustav Holst was thoroughly English, born in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England. He was a composer and choral director who wrote the The Planets from 1914-1916. The Planets consists of seven suites each based upon the planets of the solar system and their mythological origin
The Terrestrial planets encompass the four closest planets to the Sun that have rocky surfaces. They have plenty of similarities, but are in no shortage of differences as well. So how do Earth, Mars, Mercury, and Venus compare and contrast? Firstly, these are all, as mentioned before, terrestrial planets. This word derives from the Latin phrasing “Terra” which translates to Earth. They are named this because they are chemically composed the same way. For instance, where once it was thought that
Exo-planet Lab By Archana Tikayat Ray SPS 1020 Report Submitted:11/24/2014 Instructor: Dr.Darin Ragozzine Introduction The Kepler Space Telescope was launched into a heliocentric orbit in early 2009 with an aim to detect earth-sized planets orbiting sun-like stars. The previous projects in this field were able to detect only Jupiter sized planets or larger but nothing as small as the Earth. The Kepler Space Telescope aims to detect planets orbiting their star in or near the habitable zone
Pluto is considered a dwarf planet due to it’s size . It was considered a planet until 2006 when it was downgraded . Pluto was found by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930. Clyde was born in Streator, IL and went to University of kansas and and became a professor at Northern Arizona University.Pluto is about 4.6 billion years old , has 5 moons, and takes 6.4 earth days to spin. Pluto should be a planet because in Pluto: planet or not? scientists call objects planets even though the don’t fit the criteria. And
Pluto should not be a planet, because it does not fit in the definition of “planet.” When Pluto was found it was considered a planet. Then an astronomer found something that he called Eris, this made other astronomers talked about what made a planet a "planet." This group decided that Pluto, and Eris were not really planets because of its size and location in space. Now, Pluto and objects like it are now called dwarf planets. According to Dr. Stern the astronomers who made this decision felt “that
should not be a planet. According to it states, “Today, Pluto is called a “dwarf planet.” A dwarf planet orbits the sun just like other planets, but it is smaller.” At Discovery Education, it explains “The more astronomers learned about Pluto, however, the more uncomfortable they became with Pluto’s classification as a planet.” In USA Today the text states, “Another expert, Gareth Williams, associate director of the IAU Minor Planet Center, said that Pluto is not a planet, citing the official
No Pluto is not a Planet it is a Dwarf Planet because it does not meet the criteria to be a planet. According to, A group of IAU members agreed on the following criteria for a planet in the solar system.The object must orbit the sun. The object must have a spherical shape. This shape must be created and maintained by the object's own gravity source.The object must have “Cleared the Neighborhood” around its orbit of other objects. Pluto meets two of the these three criteria