Neptune's Biggest Planet

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In Roman mythology Neptune is the god of the sea, the son of the god Saturn, and the brother of Jupiter, it 's the king of gods, and the god of the dead. Neptune is 2.5 billion miles away from Earth. It is the 8th and farthest planet away from the Sun. It orbits 30.1 astronomical units away from the sun. Neptune takes about 165 earth years to orbit around the sun. A day on Neptune lasts only 16 hours. Seasons on Neptune last more than 40 Earth years. Neptune has a way bigger mass than Earth. Neptune is equal to 17.147 Earths. The diameter at its equator is about 30,775 miles. It is the fourth-largest planet in diameter and the third-largest in mass. Like all the other planets, Neptune turns on its own axis as it is orbiting the sun. The planets …show more content…

Neptune was first seen in 1846 from the observatory in Berlin But, the existence of Neptune had actually been “discovered” a year earlier, in 1845. In the 1800s many astronomers started looking for planets farther out than Uranus. They started looking for other planets because Uranus didn 't move around in its orbit as expected. Some scientists thought that it was being because of the gravitational pull from other planets and they were right. Many people could be given credit for finding Neptune but John Couch Adams and Urbain-Jean-Joseph Le Verrier got most all of the credit. It was the first planet to be discovered by telescope but the first planet to be found by people specifically searching for one. It was launched in August 1977 the spacecraft went to Jupiter in 1979 and Saturn in 1981. After it went there it was programmed to go to Uranus in 1979 and last Neptune in 1989. The data and 10,000 pictures it took increased the knowledge of Neptune majorly. Neptune is one of the four “gas giants”. Like Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, it is composed only of gas. They are a great ball of hydrogen and helium. Neptune is the third largest planet in the Solar System, much smaller than the real giants, Jupiter and Saturn, and only a little bigger than Uranus. Among the gas giants Neptune is the densest. Neptune is usually much warmer than Uranus. The Great Dark Spot on Neptune is a dark blue anticyclone storm; it