The Romans Equated: Some Features Of Greek Religion

548 Words3 Pages

Describe five Greek Gods whom the Romans adopted.

The Romans did adopt some features of Greek religion, but they also molded and shaped them to fit their society and culture. The following characteristics, as modified by the Romans, can be found in the following five Greek gods who found a home in Roman religion:

i. Zeus was equated with Jupiter, making Jupiter the monarch of the gods in both cultures (Greenberg, 2020). Both were considered the most significant deity and the state’s guardian, and both were linked to the elements of thunder and lightning.

ii. The Greek goddess of marriage and motherhood, Hera, was associated with the Roman goddess Juno (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023). Similarly, Juno embodied the ideal Roman mother by prioritizing …show more content…

Six young ladies were selected to serve the goddess Vesta as her Vestal Virgin. The priests of Vesta were entrusted with the care of the sacred fire and other rituals at the temple. The Vestal Virgins enjoyed a special status in Roman society, earning them numerous benefits. They were forbidden from marrying and were not held to the same legal standards as other women (Totally History, 2020). The Vestal Virgins played an essential role in Roman religion and served as emblems of the city's stability and prosperity.
The Roman religion encompassed many different tenets and rituals. Many cultures and faiths shaped it, such as Greece, Etruria, and Egypt. The Roman religion grew and changed over time, contributing significantly to the evolution of Roman culture.

Word Count: 447


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