What Role Did Women Play In Ancient Greece

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Women in ancient Greece played a crucial role in religious worship. They participated in the Panathenaia festival, which was held in Athens every four years in honour of the goddess Athena. Women were responsible for making the peplos, a garment worn by the statue of Athena during the procession. The women responsible for making the peplos were called ergastinae. The importance of women's participation in the creation and offering of the peplos demonstrates their significant and highly valued role they had in religious worship in Ancient Greece. They were also priestesses of Athena Polias and participated in the procession, although not in the games themselves. Women also played a significant role in the Thesmophoria festival, which aimed to ensure fertility for the harvest. Moreover, women in Ancient Greece also …show more content…

The most important female religious figure in Rome was the Vestal Virgin, a priestess who was responsible for maintaining the sacred fire of Vesta, the goddess of the hearth. The Vestal Virgins were an essential part of Roman religious life, and their role was highly respected. However, they were the only female priestly college in Rome, and women could not hold any other official positions in the state religion. However, there were not many priesthoods held by women in Rome, unlike Greece. The Sibylline Books of prophecy, which contained the oracles of the Sibyl, were also significant in religious life. However, the Sibyl was not a woman but a supernatural entity. Women in Rome could also participate in various religious cults, such as the pudiitia cults, which were dedicated to various goddesses. The cults were exclusive to women, and their rituals were performed in private. The cult of Bona Dea, the goddess of fertility, was one of the most significant cults for women in Rome. The cult was led by a female priestess, and its rituals were performed by women