Watered Plants Lab

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Day 1-2
Choose the type of seed seed to plant (the seed chosen was mustard greens).
Fill each of 6-packs with soil.
Place the seed in by making a hole deep enough to cover the seed.
Level the amount of soil by using hands.
Water the plants with the same amount of water each one.(30mL)
Wait until the next day to test the independent variable of amount of water.
Day 3
Afterwards, put 30 mL(medium) of water to the 1-6 cups.
Then, 7-12 will receive 10mL (too little).
Finally, the 13-18 cups will receive 60 mL (too much). When done watering plants, label the amount of water that was put into the plants on the packs.
Place the plants back into their place until Day 4 of the experiment.
Day 4 Put 30 mL(medium) of water to the 1-6 cups. …show more content…

Last we put 60 ml of water in cups 13-18
Day 5 15. Measure height of each plant before doing anything. 16. Record the height of the plant on the plant chart. 17. Repeat steps 7-9 18. Place the plants back in the sunlight.
Day 6 19.Record the height of the plants. 20. Watered plants repeated 7-9. 21. Plants go back to the sunlight.
Day 7 22. Measure the height of the plant and record each height to the Plant Chart 23. Don’t water plants today since it has gotten too much for the past days. Day 8
24. Repeat steps of measuring and recording data to the chart
25. Start watering plants and put it back to its place for sunlight
Day 9
25. Repeat steps for watering and measuring
Day 10
26. Repeat steps for watering, measuring, and recording data
Day 11
27. Repeat steps for watering, measuring, and recording data.
Day 12
28. Repeat steps for watering, measuring, and recording data.
Day 13
29. Measure each of the plants that have grown
30. Record data
31. Reduce the amount of water by half since the plants have been receiving too much

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