Rye Grass Lab

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The purpose of this lab was to test one type of grass and four different types of soil in order to figure out which grass will grow tallest in 21 days. The hypothesis states that The Perennial Rye Grass will grow taller in the Miracle-Gro Organic Potting Mix than the other three grasses when given water over 21 days. The independent variable is the soil, the dependent variable is growth measured in height, and the control variables are as follows: 21 days of data collection, 1.5 mL of water a day, sunlight from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in greenhouse, temperature is about 70o F, 200ml of soil in each planter, five drainage holes made with a probe, .25 grams of seed, 1 cm into the soil, watered with 1.5ml twice a day and measured after the …show more content…

Fill one planter with 200 ml of Miracle-Gro® Potting Mix, fill the second planter with 200 ml of Miracle-Gro® Seed Starting Potting Mix, fill the third planter with 200 ml of Miracle-Gro® Organic Potting Mix, fill the fourth planter with 200 ml of with Sunbury Christian Academy Soil. Measure .25 grams of seed with a balance, then place seeds one centimeter down into the soil of each of the planters. Label all of the planters as to identify the soil in each planter with a black Sharpie® Extreme black marker. Water the grass two times a day, once at 8 a.m. and again at 12:30 p.m. with 1.5 ml of distilled water using a disposable pipet. After the 8 a.m. watering, place the planters into the greenhouse. At the 12:30 watering, measure the height, in millimeters, of the tallest blade of grass in each of the planters. Record the measurement in the data table using. Remove from green house at 3:00 p.m. Repeat this process for 21 …show more content…

This soil caused the grass to constantly grow except when the grass was taken out of the greenhouse on weekends which caused less sunlight. This did cause some wilting. The Perennial Ryegrass planted in the Sunbury Christian Academy Soil grew the least. The Perennial Ryegrass planted in the Miracle Grow® Potting Mix grew to a height of 165mm. The Perennial Ryegrass planted in the Miracle the Miracle Grow® Seed Starting Potting Mix grew to a height of 140mm. It grew slightly slower and shorter than the Miracle Grow® Potting Mix. The lack of sunlight caused this also to wilt when it was removed from the greenhouse. The Perennial Ryegrass planted in the Miracle the Miracle Grow® Organic Potting Mix grew to a height of 152mm. The Miracle Grow® Organic Potting Mix sprouted up fast but did not grow as consistently as the Miracle Grow® Potting Mix. The lack of sunlight also caused the grass to wilt when taken from the greenhouse. The Perennial Ryegrass planted in the Miracle the Sunbury Christian Academy Soil grew to a height of 27mm. This soil did not react well with seeds and the seeds did not have much growth. The grass that did grow stayed at a constant height and didn’t grow

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