The Pros And Cons Of Sir Walter Buffalo Grass

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These days, numerous natural grass turf varieties are available in the market; however, none can compete against Sir Walter Buffalo turf when it comes to withstanding the harsh weather of Australia. Sir Walter Buffalo turf can endure the hot Australian climate and still blossom with soft, green and healthy grass. Sir Walter Buffalo turf is an ideal turf for property owners in Australia. In fact, it is the number one turf in Australia. Before Sir Walter Buffalo turf, during the mid-20th century, people in Australia preferred the American Buffalo Grass. The American Buffalo Grass, at that time, was the best natural grass turf available. It was robust, it had good heat tolerance, and it consumed much less water. Despite with some good characteristics, …show more content…

It was the Kikuyu grass, and it was a very economical natural lawn solution. A tropical natural grass species native to Africa, Kikuyu grass is drought tolerant and cold tolerant. It also has good resistance to various lawn diseases and weeds. The Kikuyu grass is quick to establish as well. Unfortunately, Kikuyu’s one of the positive aspects is also its major drawback. Since it grows quickly, it can soon take over the entire place, creating the worst nightmare for the lawn owner. For that reason, the Australian government has categorised the Kikuyu grass a noxious weed. Yet, it is still available here in Australia. If proper care is taken, Kikuyu grass will prove to be an excellent lawn solution. During the early ‘90s, another natural grass variety was introduced in Australia. It was the Shademaster, a soft leaf buffalo grass. Developed on a turf farm in the NSW, Shademaster had soft leaf and appearance similar to other traditional buffalo turfs. It required less mowing and maintenance. Further, it had a good tolerance for moderate human and animal traffic. The problem with Shademaster is its colour retention. In winter, Shademaster turf often turns brown or purple. Like Kikuyu, it is still available in