Grass Pickerel Research Paper

279 Words2 Pages

Grass and redfin pickerel are Diurnal, meaning they are most active and do most of their activities like feeding and spawning in the daytime. Grass and redfin pickerel are relatively solitary fish with interactions with other species beyond acts of predation. Though pickerel are solitary, their larvae gather in nursery areas in weedy swamps. When not in spawning season, they are sedentary and do not travel very far daily, but they do migrate to other areas in order to spawn. They will travel out of their area to feed, or in response to water level changes, but this is not as frequent. This is how they become isolated or trapped in pools of water that are not part of the stream or channel. Grass pickerel usually orient themselves with their head toward the shore or edge of the water. …show more content…

Grass and redfin pickerel have a lateral line system, which is a sensory canal system made up of pores and sensory organs. This is useful in detecting water pressure/movement changes. Grass and redfin pickerel use ram style ambush when capturing prey. This means that the pickerel move towards their prey by propelling themselves forward, at first slowly, then curving their bodies to help propel themselves at the fastest acceleration they can

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