Waterfall Methodology Analysis

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1.1 Waterfall Methodology The waterfall methodology is referred to as a linear-sequential life cycle model. It is very simple to understand and use. In a waterfall model, every and each phase must be completed and done before moving to the next phase.Which mean there is no return to the phase after moving to the next one (no iterations) due to that reason, this methodology doesn't fit Elaji project . 1.2 Agile Methodology Agile methodology is a combination of iterative and process that increment . Agile methods represent a relatively new approach to software development, becoming wide-spread in the last decade. agile development solution provides a good fit for mobile application development environment and proposed a new approach …show more content…

This ensures that only features of value to users are developed. RUP provides a well-defined structure for the lifecycle of a project and includes essential milestones where major decisions can be made about the project. RUP project consists of a life cycle . The lifecycle is divided into four phases of development. The phase are as follow: Inception, Elaboration, Construction and Transition . Each phase is organized into a number of iterations .And each of these iterations focus on producing technical deliverables that meet the certain criterion (objectives) of the phase before starting with the next phase. Finally, each phase will be reviewed in details . Elaji project is a mobile application software which requires iterations to add more details and make changes to the design during working without affecting the project .And a cycle in the development methodology is needed to insure that any phase can be reviewed and make changes to it if needed without affecting the project or making any problems. It appears that RUP methodology is the best one to fit the project due to those …show more content…

A business case is built for the project by gaining a good understanding of the project’s requirements and scope and getting to know the project stakeholders. At the end of the Inception Phase the project team will know whether or not to proceed with the project [4] The outcome of the Inception phase is : • A vision document: a general vision of the core project's requirements, key features, and main constraints. • A initial use-case model (10% -20%) complete). • An initial risk assessment. • A project plan, showing phases and iterations. • A business model, if necessary. One or several prototypes . LLD (Low level design document) :a sketch of the GUI is created. [5] So, defining the goals, requirements and scope for the project and specifying all the involved stakeholders and group them if needed is made by collecting important data from target users by asking them questionnaire .After that, an analysis of their answers is made to extract important information from those questionnaire which is an essential step to start the next phase. It involves carrying out detailed study of the target users requirements and arriving at the exact requirements of the proposed system. The target users who have been questioned are