
Audience Analysis Assignment

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For this assessment, you will write a paper dealing with audience analysis and procedural instructions using the audience groups below. The prompts will ask you to use those audiences for addressing questions about how best to communicate with those groups.
Your answers will be opinion-based so be sure to provide examples whenever possible.
Tip: Look at Chapter 3 in the Learning resources for more information about audience analysis. Always refer to the Rubric Goals as they identify what the evaluator will be looking for.
Main Scenario Setting:
Your team at work is implementing a new IT process. This process is based on the implementation of Software Version Control (SVC) for your organization’s development teams. This process will guide …show more content…

Attendees are professionals with varying levels of technical proficiency in your field and are excited to understand the process so that they can consider it for implementation in their respective organizations.

Audience 2:
An associate of yours teaches information technology at an online university. You have discussed your new process with her, and she has asked you to develop a webinar for her students to share the details of your process. Your presentation will expand a lesson the class recently covered.

Audience 3:
Your manager has asked you to present the new process to your department. Several process changes in the past were unsuccessful and key members of the department are resistant to adopting the new process.
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Western Governors University
C768 Technical Communication Task 1
Name: Student #:
A. Audience Analysis
What to do for this task:
1. Write a brief introduction about the importance of knowing your audience (around 100 …show more content…

For this section, the use of bulleted lists might help. Be sure to describe the characteristic for each attribute along with a logical explanation of how that would affect creating a meaningful and relevant presentation. Examples are a plus.

A. Passing Rubric Requirement: The explanation clearly demonstrates the importance of knowing an audience and addresses all the given points.

B. and B1. Modification of Presentation and Justification
What to do for this task:
1. For this scenario, assume that you have already created a presentation for Audience 1 and will now be modifying it for Audience 2.
2. You will need to address the sub-topics below:
• Detail level
• Use of professional jargon
• Vocabulary level
• Use of visuals
• Use of humor
3. For each sub-topic, describe how Audience 1 would relate to it and then how you would modify that relationship for Audience 2. For example, what would the level of detail be for a presentation to Audience 1 and how would you change that level of detail for Audience 2?
4. Then justify the modification(s) you would make. Providing an example is a good way to do

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