
We All Fall Down Character Analysis

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In a life or death situation do you play it safe or take the gamble? Will starts by being naive but persevered through the attack and became more grateful and a stronger person in the end. John was a very strict business man and is competitive just like Will by the end he is happy with everything he has. The little asian woman, Ting, was weak and shy at the beginning but by the end of the book she was more tolerate and became friends with Will and his father. In the novel We All Fall Down by Eric Walters, during a crisis people become their strongest and best self.

Will was a regular ignorant teenager at the beginning of the book but persevered through the attack and was a stronger person by the end. At the start of the book, Will was just an innocent kid that wasn’t impressed by his dad’s work. When Will’s father explained the details of the World Trade Center, Will said, “That’s an awful lot of money,” (39) He said that while trying to sound interested. During the attack, Will had a flash of reality since they were just in a life or death situation. Will listened to everything his father said (which …show more content…

When Ting was first introduced, all she seemed like was a weak woman. John and Will heard screams from a floor and it was a helpless Ting. covered in debris. This really didn’t make her seem like a strong person off the start. Ting had to go through a lot of pain to survive during the escape. Even though she was being carried by Will and John, Ting’s leg was broken and had a gash on it. Her head was also seriously damaged, so she had to go through all of that during the escape. Even though she can’t speak fluent basic English, Ting bonded with Will and John to the point where she hugged Will for being alive. Will says, “I looked up and realized it was Ting’s arm around my shoulders.” (195) That’s how Ting grew a bond with Will and John and became a stronger person because of

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