We Are Marshalls Camera Angles

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We Are Marshalls is a movie that talks about a football team that was killed in a plane crash in West Virginia on November 17, 1970. This movie uses a lot of settings, weather, camera angles, and music to show the purpose of each scene we watch and hear. The film We Are Marshall elicits a strong emotional response from its audience by using visual cues, camera angles, and music. In this movie We Are Marshalls, they use a lot of different settings and weather to bring the scenes together. The first example in We Are Marshalls is that before the players got on the plane it was raining and lighting. This foreshadowed the plane that crashed into the woods with all the players, coaches, and crew on board due to the bad weather. The second example in We Are Marshalls is all the new players playing their first real game after the tragic accident. This was showing the audience that even after the horrific tragedy, they still kept the football team and even found new …show more content…

One example of this in We Are Marshalls is that we saw a close-up shot of the playbook we saw early in the movie. This foreshadowed the plane crash, at the crash site one of the only things still fine was the playbook. The second example is the cut-in shot with names being crossed out and circled after talking to them. This showed us that the names being crossed out were not going to be on the team but the names circled were going to be on the team. The third example is the reaction shot at their first game when they were playing. This is an example of a reaction shot because when something happened it would show someone's reaction after to show how they are feeling at that moment. All of these examples for cut-in and reaction shots were a foreshadowing for the events that happened later in the movie and also getting a specific person's emotion at that certain