Weed Brownies Research Paper

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Benefits, appropriate conditions and effects of weed brownies The use of weed edible products, including brownies, have increased in popularity over the last decades. For most individuals; medical and recreational users, this is a better alternative to smoking a joint or ingesting liquid marijuana. There are many benefits of using weed brownies instead of other forms of ingesting THC and other cannabinoids and they include: Provides a safer alternative to smoking weed Weed users believe ingesting weed is a better alternative to smoking it. This is simple. As a user, you are not exposed to smoke filled with tar and carbon getting into the lungs. For users, some of which have lung issues or may be on supplementary oxygen, in the case of medical …show more content…

This is what could happen to a new user who underestimates the power of weed brownies. When you smoke week, you get cannabinoid injected into you in waves, just like a patient on IV drips, the effects is faster and milder than with weed brownies in which the effect is slower and stronger. The good news is this diminishes as you eat them more frequently. How do I know that weed brownies are good for me? The first thing you need to consider when taking weed brownies is the potency of the product. Use your good judgment to establish how much you can ingest at a go. Brownies are made in batches so the dosage can be split conveniently. For a recreational user, you are in for a thrill and you need to slow down so you don’t overdose. If you are purchasing weed brownies, make sure they are made the best way possible especially for medical users. You don’t need to ingest something that could compromise your health more than it is at the moment. If you are making it at home, you can control dosage, conditions in which it is made and what recipe you would love. This is a better option and there are different weed brownie recipes scattered all over the internet for you to use as