
Weight Watchers Essay

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Weight Watchers is a dieting company established in the 1960s, it primarily focuses on creating diet plans to help with weight lost. Weight Watchers focuses on the idea that dieting is only one part of a healthy lifestyle and focuses on the importance of maintaining a healthy mind and physical body. Although they’re a dieting company, weight watchers don’t sell any prepared food or meals or prohibits any foods to their customers but has point based systems for their members. Weight Watchers focuses more on sponsoring local group meetings across the entire world in order for members of the program to offer support and encouraging tips to each other to improve their life styles. Throughout its long history, Weight Watchers has released various …show more content…

The ad presented tries follow this idea as it presents a hopeful mood but the poor execution of the ad leaves it with a weak and boring mood. The ad tries to present a hopeful concept and it tries to set the message of the drastic change that can be obtained by using their program however the exaggeration of the doors changes the tone of the entire image as it causes the image to go from being hopeful to appearing offensive to most of the public. A way to fix this problem could be by making the door not be so comically different to each other and not have them be two opposite extremes of each …show more content…

This makes it hard to tell what the ad is even about at first but once you see the logo it makes the ad easy to understand. The problem emerges because of how the content is presented as the exaggerated doors provide a negative stereotypical view of the type of person that would be interested in Weight Watchers, by implying that only overly obese people would be interested in joining Weight Watchers through the use of the comically large entrance door could offend a large portion of this group of people and cause them to dislike the brand. A way to fix these would be to add more things to the ad that could help the viewer not conclude negative things about the ad and about what is promoting by adding encouraging words on toning down the exaggeration of some of its parts such as the

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