Wells Fargo Portfolio Analysis

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As I make the decision to re-enter college and purse a degree in business, I am made to reflect upon my past business experiences and connect them to my future career aspirations. Pursing a Bachelor’s of Science in Finance links the seven years of experience I have gained from working my way up at Wells Fargo, beginning as a teller and ending my tenure as a branch manager. From Wells Fargo, I quickly transitioned to managing a team of Client Service Representatives at Capital Group. This transition is what lead me to restart my journey towards higher education in order to progress in my career and ultimately gain a position as a Portfolio Analyst. While working for Wells Fargo, accounting was integral to assisting clients manage their portfolios. …show more content…

I worked at a bank during the market decline of 2008. During this time it was vital to understand the role the FDIC played in banking. I was originally employed by Wachovia, a financial institution at the cusp of being taken over by the FDIC as we saw our stock prices plummet to less than a dollar per share, but was fortunate to have Wells Fargo buy the bank in order to keep our doors open. At Wells Fargo our goal was to service clients in order to ensure their financial success. As a personal banker I would work with clients and their budgets, financial goal setting, and how to use credit for the present and the future. In my capacity as Branch Manager I was responsible for compliance review, trust document review, identifying and referring clients to financial advisors, and ensuring all decisions made regarding client’s accounts were made with a risk analysis at the forefront. Looking on to my future with Capital Group, finance is the basis of our business. Portfolio Managers and Analysts are realists that stay true to the funds objective and don’t confuse safety for security in the market while planning for the ups and downs. They combine all four investment principles with high convictions for their investment ideas and their expertise in specific sectors to ensure long term results. Finance will continue to be vital as my future …show more content…

Information technology is necessary for the development and execution of those programs. In my time at Wells Fargo, we saw our IT analysts work to bring advancements and updates to the programs used in order to streamline how we delivered services to our clients. Although I was not directly involved in the development process, being the end user it was important to provide feedback as updates were implemented. At Capital Group we are going through a complete overhaul of our servicing desktop. Currently we work through a GUI that transmits information to and from DST Systems. DST is an industry leader in information technology and business operation outsourcing to the financial sector. Within Capital our IT department is working on a future servicing desktop that will transition from a GUI over DST software into our stand-alone product that houses all information necessary to complete necessary services. With neither my past experience nor my future goals I work to directly create or develop the software programs used to preform vital functions of my job; however, being the end user it is important to understand all the possibilities of the software programs being