One of the most remembered and terrifying moments in the history of the united states is 9/11. An Islamic terrorist group coordinated 4 attacks on the morning of September 11, 2001. This resulted in around 3000 casualties including bystanders firefighters medics and police officers. For a group to hold up signs that state thank god for 9/11 and thank god for dead soldiers is horrible. That did not stop the Westboro baptist church led by Fred Phelps and his followers for gathering at a funeral of one lance corporal Matthew Snyder who was killed in the line of duty. And at his funeral, the church protested because of his sexuality holding up signs on a public sidewalk that said God hates the USA/ thank god for dead soldiers and so on. Even though something may not be illegal does not mean that it is right. The group was protected by the first amendment. Not a lot of people agreed with what they did and even though it was morally wrong the system found Fred not guilty of any …show more content…
This led to the church becoming angry with men and women that were gay or lesbian so they wanted to express their opinions. When a soldier died in the line of duty they had their chance knowing the strict military policy of homosexuals. The group decided to then go on and show up at the funeral of Matthew Snyder and protest expressing their opinions of how gays are evil. Society did not like this because they believed it was a time for mourning, not an opportunity and even though you have freedom of speech does not mean you have to say anything. It was a very low blow to the family and others it was believed to be just outright wrong and evil don't say anything if you have nothing nice to say. This was not the case for the church, though. They went against society's moral code and went on to protest and express the opinions of “God” at the