African American Church Shooting Research Paper

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The Charleston Church shooting was one of the worst tragedies of the year. The gruesome shooting occurred June 17, which left nine dead in Charleston. When a white male specimen 21 years of age, Dylan Roof, was more than welcome into a Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Roof came in and sat with the group for an hour before he began to fire a .45 caliber handgun into the small group. One man got up to question Roof and ask him why he was doing this. Roof then said, “You raped our women and you have taken over the country,” then Roof immediately shot the man(Tauber, Michelle page 2). The shooting caused many social struggles our country has had to overcome in the past and also some new struggles to take on. …show more content…

As soon as police investigated the crime they immediately ruled it as a hate crime (Mosendz, Polly page 1). Which seems correct for someone who walked in a church and shot people praying. Dylan Roof did appear to hate African Americans as he made many racist comments on social media. Dylan Roof even admitted before his arrest he was hoping to start a race war(Mosendz, Polly page 1). Before the shooting, Roof took many pictures strongly supporting the Confederate movement, which was when the Confederates fought for the right to have African American slaves in the Civil War. This event even caused the Confederate flag to become a racist isor in today’s society. Not only did the shooting heighten racism, but also it made many churches buckle down on a protective program. Many churches are beginning to hire armed guards and immediately report to 911(Christian Century page 16). Most churches welcome people into their church unknowingly what the person is capable of doing. Therefore many questions still lay on the table: did Roof get what he wanted to start a race war? And how did the church react to this tragic