Essay On Dylan Roof

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Imagine being at church as usual, but then out of nowhere a man walks in and pulls out a gun. Then, starts firing and people are hurt and everyone’s yelling you dive for the floor, but its too late your hit, just like everyone else. This is a true story that took place in North Carolina in 2015. The man who committed the crime took place in a 6 day trial and would be charged with 33 federal offenses and 9 accounts of murder. His motive was unheard of ever before and was involved with Black Lives Matter. Dylann Roof is a white supremacist that deliberately plans out attacks. Dylan had many signs that he was a supporter of the Confederate Flag. He had a picture of himself holding up a Confederate Flag and had posted it on social media. He also had a picture of himself burning the American Flag. This shows that he didn’t care for black people very much and was against their existence. The 2012 shooting of Trayvon Jackson prompted Roof to research what “black on white crimes” are. This later intrigued Roof to act on the situation. He later claimed “Somebody had to do it, black people are killing white people everyday”. However, this is not correct and a false accusation. He also stated, “I was hoping to start a race war.” He would later act alone. …show more content…

He targeted this church because most who went to this church were black. Roof shot 9 people to death; Rev. Clementa Pinckney, Rev. Daniel Simmons, Shardona Coleman-Singleton, Depayne Middleton Doctor, Cynthia Hurd, Myra Thompson, Ethel Lance, Susie Jackson, and Tywanza Sanders. However, he also left some injured. Because of Roof”s reasoning for the attack he purposely targeted black people. Roof used a Glock US-Caliber Pistol and fired 70 rounds. He also sat with these people for 15 minutes before acting on his plan. Roof also attempted to kill three