
Selma To Montgomery Movement Essay

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Before discussing the Selma to Montgomery Movement now is the perfect time to discuss the background and other key events of the Civil Rights Movement, leading up to the Selma to Montgomery Marches. Beginning with Jim Crow Laws. The Jim Crow era can be said to have taken place in the United states during the 1880’s, which was approximately 15 years after the Civil War, until 1965. These laws stretched from coast to coast, but were mainly enforced in the South. Jim Crows laws centered on separating whites from blacks. The most common types of laws forbade intermarriage and ordered business owners and public institutions. The National Park Service lists some basic laws from around states during this time, for example, in Alabama, a specific law …show more content…

Just reading those two examples shows the purpose of Jim Crow Laws was to keep African Americans from interacting or even co-existing with whites. Their motto was “separate, but equal” (Jim Crow Laws). The next event that can be discussed is the Montgomery Bus Boycott. This event was important because it was one of the beginning moments of the Civil Rights Movement. This event, essentially, was a year-long event that lasted from December 1955 to December 1956; in which all African Americans boycotted the city buses in Montgomery, Alabama to protest the requirements of blacks having to sit in the back of the bus. The prominent figure of this movement was Rosa Parks (The Montgomery Bus Boycott). As many of the marches and protest of the Civil Rights Movement their tactics remained the same: peaceful protest, non-violence is the

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