
Westward Expansion Dbq Essay

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Traveling thousands of miles through dangerous paths American pioneers took on hardships as they sought westward in hopes of a better life. The journey westward began in the early 1800s when the US exploded with new territories nearly tripling the United States' size. It all started in 1803 when the US bought the Louisiana Territory from France. Quickly, many farmers picked up their belongings and headed out west to the rich, fertile land for a fresh start. Next, Andrew Jackson invaded Florida claiming it for the US which was also another opportunity for settlers to begin a new life. Finally, the last major territory the US gained was the Pioneer Paradise, Oregon County. At this point, many people, of all different backgrounds, headed there …show more content…

One reason why Americans moved westward was to gain opportunities for themselves. The two most promising land claims were Oregon Country and the Louisiana Territory. The idea of starting a new life on the recently claimed land of Oregon Country lands all began when Lewis traveled to the land and discovered that “this passage across the continent as affording immense advantages to the fur trade,” (Doc 9). As a result of Lewis’s expedition some settlers headed to the new land to start trading on this land. Afterward, more Americans flooded this land upon learning that it was, “nice and (it had) streams full of fish,” and that “the valleys are rich and the mountains high …show more content…

They thought the expansion limited the equality for slaves and Native Americans. The reason this selective few believed that people were at a disadvantage was because Slaves were hunted by bounty hunters as shown in Doc 6. Others thought the Natives were treated unequally since they were pushed out of their lands. Andrew Jackson once wrote a letter to the Cherokee Tribe of Indians East of the Mississippi. In this letter he stated, “Every year will increase difficulties…Punishment will follow, and all who are engaged in these offences must suffer,” (Doc 7). Another group that suffered was the settlers in parts. This group of people lost some opportunity because many people died like shown in Doc 3, “July 2: One man of (our) company died. Passed 8 graves made 16 miles.” Due to the given information some people were concerned about the Natives and Slaves equality. Some were also concerned that settlers’ opportunity was taken away when they traveled on this dangerous path. Even though people were at disadvantage these problems led to better outcomes or were already a problem. For example, Natives were forced to leave making which didn’t show the ideal of equality but in the long run Jackson stopped a larger war-like conflict from out breaking. The other situation was sadly already a problem in the US, slaves already ran away and were hunted by bounty hunters so the western expansion didn’t play a huge role in this

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