How Did The American Industrial Revolution And Immigration Affect The Westward Movement

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During the mid 1800s America was in its prime, during the American Industrial Revolution. During the revolution, immigrants from many foreign nations began piling on ships and setting sail for America to start a new life. America was the place to be at the time and it was the land of opportunity for many. And after Lewis and Clark’s exploration came to a close, people heard of all of the prominent land and opportunity. And as word got out, people wanted in on this newly seen westward territory. And thus, the American Westward Movement had now begun. So, how did the American Industrial Revolution and immigration affect America during the Westward Movement? The American Industrial Revolution took place in the mid 1800’s (About 1840-1890). It …show more content…

New machines came out and new ways of energy never seen before were now being used. Steam engines were invented and could create power using water and heat. These steam engines were used in mills, boats, and now trains. And all of these new ideas meant another thing, new jobs. America now not only had rich land with bounties of food, America had thousands of new jobs opening up. And people from foreign nations began to fill these jobs and then some new unheard of jobs opened. These new jobs were as mountain men. mountain men were men who were to travel out west to trap furs. These mountain men used many items that were a product of the industrial revolution. One of these products was the new advanced weaponry they used to hunt and to protect themselves from any dangers. One of the many hunted and trapped animals was the Beaver. Back in France beaver hats were very popular and a lot of that beaver fur that was used in the hats came from America. And when these mountain men trapped a beaver, they knew that they were …show more content…

Well we now have the knowledge to see how immigration and industrialization helped America during this time period or more, revolutionized America. With the help of many new immigrants the population of America began to rise quickly as many immigrants came to the America to take their share in land out west. With the help of this rising population the economy grew along with many businesses. And with all of the new technologies of the Industrial Revolution the journey west was made a little bit easier. Lightweight wagons called prairie schooners could hold big loads and were usually pulled by 2 oxen. The wagon would hold supplies and children but if someone was very ill they would be able to ride in the wagon. The reason why families could not ride with the supplies was because it was filled. Supplies for survival and for the new life out west was often shed on the trail west. Whether it was because you had to cross a river or you had an oxen die, you knew that everything in that wagon would not make it to Oregon. But you still packed it jammed full. Another effect of filling it was that children would often fall out on a bump and could even fall under the wheels and get crushed by the about 5,000lb beast of a wagon. But safety was not the first concern of these pioneers. On the trail some pioneers would have to go