What Are Cell Phones Degrading The Generation?

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As most experts and adults would say, cell phones are degrading the generation by reshaping and reorganizing the material teachers have taught their students to this day. As of today, there are numerous books and videos on why there should be changes to the way other individuals look at and the usage of technology, but more distinctively on why there should be a cut on computer use, television use, and most importantly, cell phone usage. There are individuals who did not have the opportunity to grow up around technology and for them it is easier to have an opinion on what this world should be today, what and how this generation needs to communicate with one another face to face or by the old phones hanging from a wall. Other adults do not understand …show more content…

Most experts such as, Abdollah Ghasempour, have the opinions and experiments on technology and cell phones being the main reason towards depression and anxiety. Depression is classified as both psychological symptoms and a lack of a sense of joy and failure tolerance. This has shown that addicting usage of the cell phone generation is related to depression symptoms, poor self-control, interpersonal anxiety, and self-esteem. As Ghasempour characterizes technology and psychological factors as attachment styles, which can have the influence on addiction to a cell phone, an ipad, or anything technology use. There are numerous studies that according to one of the many theories about cell phone theories, the adult attachment theory is one of the most known …show more content…

These little things include dates with significant others, gatherings with friends, and family dinners. In the mind of the teenager, the biggest perk of having a significant other is being able to show them off. Thus being said, while their significant other wants to enjoy special moments, they have to snap that picture and post it on instagram so everyone can witness how much they love one another, but all the while this relationship seems clouded because of technology is meditating these heartfelt moments. This pattern repeats itself throughout the rest of these little moments. It all really comes down to the fact that technology is taking away from the most amazing events and memories in this generation because we prioritize social media over family and