Analysis Of Have Smartphones Ruined A Generation

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There is an appalling rise of mental health illnesses in the adolescents of today and Jean M. Twenge believes their smartphones to be the catalysts. In her article, “Have Smartphones Ruined a Generation?” Twenge effectively advocates that parents moderate their children smartphones usage by establishing her credibility, through different voices and a diplomatic tone, and by suggesting a correlation between smartphones and the rise of mental health issues in the iGen. Who exactly are the iGen? Twenge identifies the iGen to be the generation born between 1995 and 2012, a generation who grew up with smartphones and the rise of social media, a generation that “do not remember a time before the internet” (para. 7). It is within this generation that Twenge begins to notice the dramatic shift in generational trends, such as the social interactions being limited to texting and social media, that have been influenced by smartphones. She relates the influence of smartphones on these trends to coinciding rise of mental health illnesses in the iGen before successfully proposing a solution of moderacy when concerning smart devices. Twenge effectively establishes her credibility throughout the article by the use of different voices and writing identities. She first identifies herself as an expert in generational studies having devoted 25 years to research (para. 3). This is efficiently grants herself authority over the topic rather than having her portrayed as an older individual