What Are Leonardo Da Vinci's Accomplishments

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Leonardo Da Vinci’s Influence on Plans Leonardo Da Vinci was a great artist and made some of the famous paintings. His art was amazing, but he did other things too. Leonardo influenced people by all of his great work. This will impact his painting, his inventions, and his design. Today, his paintings are still at some of the museums. We still admire all the work he has done on those one-of-a-kind masterpieces. Leonardo’s paintings were one of a kind painting. One of the paintings was the famous Mona Lisa. It was painted in 1504 through 1519 in Italy and it measures only 30″ x 21″. Most people who see it in person are surprised that it is not bigger. (The Art of Painting. 5-7). Print.Lisa’s husband, Francesco Del Giocondo wanted Leonardo to paint her wife as a gift. It is perhaps the most studied piece of artwork ever known. He influenced people by doing portraits and not only using paint. (http://totallyhistory.com/mona-lisa/) The Last Supper was one of Leonardo’s paintings. This painting was made in 1495 through 1498 and was made on the wall of Santa Mariah delle Grazie, Milan, Italy. Since it was painted on a wall, it measured 181 in × 346 in. (http://totallyhistory.com/the-last-supper/) The painting was …show more content…

He made an invention called the Parachute.In the book, Who was Leonardo Da Vinci by the author Edwards, it said,“If a man has a tent made of linen of which the apertures have all been stopped up, and it be twelve braccia across and twelve in depth, he will be able to throw himself down from any great height without suffering”. (37)He made it in the 15th Century, it was 7 meters long, and consists of linen cloth held open by a pyramid of wooden poles.( http://www.da-vinci-inventions.com/parachute.aspx) He could not finish the project, but in 2000, Adrian Nichols tested a prototype on the parachute, and it was a success! Leonardo was