What Are Louis Armstrong's Major Accomplishments

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Louis Armstrong was a trumpeter, band leader, singer, soloist, film star, and comedian. He is considered one of the most influential artists in Jazz history. He is known for his songs “Star Dust”, “La Vi En Rose”, and “What a Wonderful day”. He was born on August 4, 1901, in New Orleans, Louisiana and died on July 6, 1971in New York at his house in Queens. Louis grew up in a section so poor they called it “The Battlefield”. He had a difficult childhood. Louis’s father was a factory worker who abandoned his family after Louis was born. His mother often turned to prostitution and didn’t stay with the family often. In the 5th grade, Louis left school and started working.

On New Year’s Eve in 1912, Armstrong fired his stepfather’s gun into the air and soon got arrested. He was then sent to …show more content…

There he received musical instruction on the cornet and began to fall in love with music. When he later got out he instantly dreamed of a life making music. Louis was still busy with odd jobs such as hauling coal and delivering newspapers. By the end of his teens, Armstrong had married Daisy Parker, a prostitute, which had a downfall on his music career. Meanwhile, Louis’s reputation as a musician continued to grow. In 1918 he replaced Oliver in Kid Ory’s band, the most popular band in New Orleans at the time. Though Armstrong was content in New Orleans, he received a

call from King Oliver to come to Chicago to play in his band on a second cornet. He made his first recording with Oliver on April 5th, 1923; that day, he earned his first recorded solo on “Chimes Blues”. Armstrong eventually started seeing the female pianist in the band, Lillian