What Are The 151 Psalms

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Psalms or the psalter is sometimes called a collection of prayers and songs composed throughout Israel’s history. There are 151 psalms in the Bible, making it the largest book in the Bible. In the New Revised Standard Edition of our Bible, “the title of the book characterizes the psalms as hymns and thus identifies the praise of God in worship as their purpose.” There are different genres of psalms. First off there are prayers for help also known as lamentations, and then there are songs of thanksgiving, royal psalms and many other types. Let’s look at why this book is one of my favorite books in the Bible and then just maybe after this lesson you can tell me if you love this book too. Before I start the lesson, let’s try an activity! The …show more content…

The outcome of the activity is by creating your own psalm-like prayer, student s will see that our prayers can express any emotion to God who created us and has allowed us to have feelings. For this activity we will need: Bibles, paper, markers, colored pencils, any other writing utensils and last a paper list of emotions. Class before we start and I explain the instructions, I’d just like to say that when we pray, we can express any feeling we have to God. God created our emotions and wants us to be honest when we pray to Him. There isn’t a right or wrong way to pray to God, as long as one is sincere and truthful, you may pray however you desire. The Book of Psalms is a wonderful example of honest prayer. So individually or in small groups, read the following verses and decide what emotions they express to God: Psalms chapter 3-7 (pleas for help), 9-13 (deliverance of the Righteous Poor), and 79-83 (on rejection and hope). So class after reading those Psalms, I’d like everyone to create a list …show more content…

Two of the psalms (72 & 127) are attributed to Solomon, David’s son and successor. Psalm 90 is a prayer attributed to Moses. Another group of 12 Psalms (50, 73-83) is ascribed to Asaph. The sons of Korah wrote 11 Psalms (42, 44-49, 84, 85, 87-88), and the list goes on. The date of composition varies around the date from the early monarchy to the time after the exile (ca. 1000 to 400 BC). According to “How to Read the Bible Book by Book,” the collection of Psalms was brought together as five books probably with the Pentateuch in