What Are The Benefits Of Frederick Douglass An Abolitionist

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Frederick Douglass once said, “If there is no struggle, there is no progress”. Douglas was an extremely important abolitionist who fought for equality rights for blacks. Slavery was a very important part of many people's lives since 1619, and it was both beneficial in some eyes, and terrible in others. Slavery was beneficial to plantation owners because it was there way of life, and that is how they made their money. It was not beneficial in many ways because, slaves were not treated like humans, but instead they were treated like property to be sold and bought and used however the owner wishes. Southern people needed slaves for work outdoors, such as farming and blacksmithing. Slaves worked hard long hours in all types of weather conditions, …show more content…

Abolitionism is a movement to abolish the African slave trade and set slaves free. There were many individuals who took part in this movement called abolitionist. The abolitionist movement, led by Frederick Douglas, Sojourner Truth, and many others, led to the fight for women's right during the Civil war era. Abolitionist took many different, and brave actions in trying to put an end to slavery, it was a great struggle but good progress came out of it.

Abolitionist wrote books and newspapers, had rebellions, gave speeches, and much more approaches just to get their voices heard about abolishing slavery. There was also another tactic used which was, the underground railroad, which was a secret network organized by people who helped men, women, and children escape from slavery to freedom. The main conductor of the underground railroad was a woman named, Harriet Tubman who helped over three- hundred slaves escape the south, and brought to the north safely. This was done so slaves could have their freedom and, it was supposed to encourage other slaves to run away so, that one day there will be no slaves in the south, or …show more content…

Many men supported the women's right movement by speaking out for them and attending conventions that involve their matters. The woman were supported by many male abolitionists who says the need for a strong link, is because they both shares the need, of their natural rights. Woman were not allowed to vote and slaves weren't allowed either. The woman did not have equal pay as men, the right to vote, to keep custody of their children and, blacks did not have any rights at all, because they were considered as property. Both women and blacks also did not have the right to a proper education. Woman were to stay at home and take care of the children, cook, and slaves were not allowed to learn anything. It was very hard for slaves and women to make any changes if they could not go to school and learn. Not having to right to vote was the most important because, how will people get their voices heard on whose hands were putting our country in and if the newly elected official, will help or not. Both movements faced many struggles and similarities, most of the people were not only fighting for the woman or for slavery but to end it by fighting for all