What Are The Cause Of The 2008 Financial Crisis

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The country has been miserable ever since the Great Depression in 1929. Before the 1920s, the average workers couldn’t even borrow money. By 1929,“buy now, pay later” had became a way of life. Since then our world has lived around banks. On September 2008, one of the worst financial crisis occurred caused both the Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearn banks to fail and mortgage crisis. The Bear Stearns was one of the fifth largest investment and security trading bank in the country that failed in 2008 as part of the global crisis that was later on bought by JPMorgan. Bear Stearns had many toxic real estate assets that kept on mounting up. In March 2008, the government stepped in and bailed Bear Stearns out with 30 billion dollars. Even though the Federal Reserve Board bailed them out the company was still not able to be saved. Instead, it was bought by JPMorgan for 2 dollars per share. It wasn't the end of the problem is more like the start of it. Many bank account owners began to panic more after seeing …show more content…

They were also the biggest "victim of the U.S. subprime-mortgage-induced financial crisis that swept through global financial markets in 2008.” The year that caused the downfall of the Lehman Brother was 2003, and 2004 when Lehman acquired five mortgage lenders. Aurora Loan Services and BNC Mortgage both were a subprime mortgage specialist who gave out loans without full documentation. In the beginning, both companies profits kept on increasing. But by the first quarter of 2007, defaults on subprime mortgages rose and yet the Lehman Brother continued to “underwrite more mortgage-backed securities than any other firm.” The failure with stocks values dropping and subprime mortgage crisis ended the Lehman Brothers with a total of 639 billion in debt along with 639 billion in assets which was even too much for the government to bail out

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