What Are The Environmental Impacts Of The American Auto Industry

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The American auto-industry over the years has seen some great developments which started from the early 1900s. This development came as a result of the Americans following the blueprints laid down by the Germans and the French in late 1800s. However, the modernization of the American auto-industry was due to the production technique used by Ford, General Motors and Chrysler that lead the American auto-industry to be seen worldwide. This industry, despite the fact that they have a positive impact on the society also has a negative impact on the environment. These industries around the world had been known to be characterized with some many environmental issues and hazards which include; global competition, new technology for powering the products, the effect of emission on the environment and the government response as well as customers’ opinions about the product. For the …show more content…

However, the American auto-industry is confronted with a number of emissions and hazardous issues on the environment. Apart from the lead released from the battery into the environment, there are other issues such as brake debris, tire particles, painting and coating issues and finally gas emissions. These emissions produce by automobiles have environmental impact, for instance; tire particles raise toxicity levels in nearby soils and can cause the formation of black carbon. These pollutants which cause lung toxicity are seen to be a major hazard in urban areas. Finally to reduce environmental hazards, the government and the customers tend to respond to these issues in so many dimensions. For the above issues that impact negatively on the environment, the US EPA as a government body intervenes by putting up measures that allow the American auto-industry to design cars to accommodate less toxic materials and to minimize wear on brakes and