
What Are The Inventions That Changed American Life

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The start of Chicago World’s Fair in 1893 was a symbol of the many inventions that changed American life. Inventions contributed to a rise in big business and the country’s move towards an industrial-based economy, which provided Americans with efficiency, comfort and abundance. The many inventions created many job opportunities, and the number of employed workers had increased to over 10 million workers. Inventions like the typewriter, cash register and the adding machine made it easier to keep up with business growth. Other inventions such as the vacuum cleaner and flushed toilets helped Americans’ home lives because they improved public health and reduced contamination. The tin cans and frozen foods changed how women shopped and prepared food. Prepared food instead of preserved foods improved health in Americans, and women were able to prepare the foods in less time, which meant that they had time to do other things outside of the home, such as seeking employment and being able to expand their knowledge through education. Communication inventions such as the telephone, electric power production such as the light bulb, and the steel …show more content…

The people working in the railroad industry became very wealthy and were known to be robber barons because their business deals were shady and against the laws. Some business owners were buying older, rundown railroads, then made small improvements and raised the prices to ship goods. Shipping rates were not equal to all people, which was unfair. Businessmen like Carnegie, Rockefeller and JP Morgan were very successful. While Carnegie believed that the wealthy should help the poor and everyone should be treated equal, Rockefeller and JP Morgan had different outlooks, and they had done shady things in order to make their money. They were involved in horizontal and vertical integration, trusts, holding companies,

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