What Are The Lessons That Scout Learned In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the book To kill a Mockingbird I believe that Scout has grown and learned much during the book. Page 30 scout is beating up Walter Cunningham for starting of her first year of school on the wrong foot. Page 99 Cecil Jacobs calls out Atticus for defending “niggers”, Scout holds herself back from fighting because it is childish and she doesn’t want Atticus to “wear her out”. Page 101 Atticus asks her for his sake not to fight with her fists, but to fight with her head, she takes this into consideration but the thought flies out of her head when she punches her cousin Francis for calling her dad a “nigger lover”on page 110. Scout thinks she’s doing Atticus a favor by defending him, but he says that if she keeps her cool and don’t let it bother …show more content…

After the trial on page 324 school starts back up and as Scout grew older she became less scared of the Radley’s house. Fast-forward to the night Jem broke his arm on page 370, Mr.Tate makes a new story up protecting Boo Radley. Atticus taught Scout would not be able to understand completely but she does understand. Scout says “Well, it’s be sort of like shootin’ a mockingbird, wouldn’t it?” Referring the what Atticus has told the children earlier in the book. Finally, as she returns Boo to his home she looks around the neighborhood from his porch, on page 373 through 374 she starts to see what Boo had seen “Summer, and he watched his(Boo Radley) children’s(Scout, Jem, and Dill) hearts break. Autumn again, and Boo’s children needed him.(This refers to that night, where Jem broke his arm)Atticu was right. One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Radley’s porch was enough.” I believe Scout was the one to grow up more during the book because she holds onto some very important messages that Atticus had told