The Pitfalls Of Marie Curie's Life

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V. Pitfalls - Throughout her life and career, Marie Curie faced many pitfalls. These pitfalls hurt her career, stopped her from completing more discoveries, and had a negative effect. A. The first pitfall Marie Curie faced was Pierre Curie’s death. That day she lost one of the most beloved and key people in her life. 1. Pierre died unexpectedly, and Marie Curie was absolutely devastated. a. While walking across the street, he was unaware of his surroundings and slipped in the middle of the busy street. (Pasachoff 61) b. The driver of the heavy horse-drawn cart could not stop in time and the rear wheel hit Pierre’s head and crushed his skull. His death was instant. (ibid 61) 2. The affect Pierre’s death had on Marie Curie was harmful to her career and children. She struggles to return to work. …show more content…

She was greatly affected by Pierre’s death as he is very close companion and helps her with many scientific discoveries. But, she knows she has to continue working. She plans a funeral, and the story became widely known. (Pasachoff 62) b. Marie Curie returned to research that day after the funeral. She went with Jacques and wrote in her diary: “On the Sunday morning after your death, Pierre, I went to the laboratory with Jacques for the first time. I tried to make a measurement for a graph on which we had each made several points. But, I felt the impossibility of going on.” He was influential to her and helped her a lot. (Pasachoff