
What Are The Pros And Cons Of Keeping Exotic Animals

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Keeping of Exotic animals Thousands of animals are on the verge of extinction. Humans have attempted to help protect these animals by building habitats for these creatures. Others have turned a blind eye on the negativity people have caused for these animals and even on themselves. Exotic animals should stay in the wild and not in the backyard of people’s homes. Exotic pet owners may not realize the harm they cause these creatures, nor do the understand what harm they can cause to anyone around them. People should not be allowed to keep exotic animals as pets and let them stay free in the wild. Although people believe that there are pro’s to having an exotic pet, the con’s outweigh them. Exotic animal trades are illegal. Sellers are very problematic and will try to get inexperience owners to own a wild animal. What’s born in the wild, should stay in the wild. In comparison with people, animals require a lot of special care. Exotic animals are far more difficult to care of, rather than a common house pet. The American Veterinary Medical Association, has stated that …show more content…

Most states do not allow exotic animals, which causes people to hide those creatures and buy them illegally. These animals are stripped away from their home in the wild and trapped in a small confinement as a household pet. Most zoos have stated that they will give exotic animal sellers the offspring of their animals or any of the surplus of them. A lot of those animals will then be handed down to the sellers or ranchers. The seller’s main goal is to get rid of the animal and allow inexperienced owners, take them into their own home and try to train them to be a household pet. Those buyers generally do not have a clue about their states regulations or the qualifications those creatures need in order to survive. Of course this is all a huge risk for the life of a wild animal, being held up in a small

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