Do You Really Want A Baby Tiger By Mia Lewis Analysis

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When you were a child you probably wanted a dog or a cat right? But did you ever think about getting a lion cub or a monkey? “Owning an exotic pet is expensive, time consuming, and a huge responsibility. And of course, it can be dangerous”. This was stated in source 1 “ Do You Really Want A Baby Tiger” by Mia Lewis, paragraph 2. People should not be able to own an exotic pets. The reasons for this is you would need the right resources, they are wild animals, even in captivity, and it is cruel inhumane.
To begin with, people should not be able to own exotic pets because you need the right resources. In paragraph 6 of source 1, Mia Lewis states, “ You also have to build a study cage or enclosure that is the appropriate size and has the right hiding, resting, climbing, and play spaces to approximate the animal’s natural habitat.” This shows that you have all these factors you got to accommodate for depending on what animal you got, and most people will be too …show more content…

In source 2 “REXANO Proves That Politicians and Lobbyists Introducing and Passing Laws Against Exotc Animal Ownership in the Name of “Public Safety” Use False and Misleading Claims”, paragraph 3 it stated, “ In the last 10-16 years, 1.5 people on average gets killed yearly by captive reptile, 1 by captive big cat, 0.81 by captive elephant, 0.125 by captive bear and 0 by captive nonhuman primate.”. This demonstrates that not many people get killed by exotic animals. Although this might be true, people still should not be able to own exotic animals because wild animals are wild, even in captivity. The text in source 1 cites, “ They are wild animals with wild animal instincts, even when born in captivity. A wild animal is never 100 percent predictable.”. This highlights that even if animals are used to being in captivity doesn’t mean that they won’t lash