Hybrid And Gas Cars: The Four Types Of Hybrid Vehicles

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Hybrid or Gas Cars The last decade has witnessed an era in technology through all fields, as today we find new inventions that show up on a daily basis. The main aim of this article is to compare between hybrid and gasoline-powered cars. There are four types of common vehicles, which are hybrid, electric, natural gas and gasoline-powered ones. First of all, hybrid cars are vehicles that use two or more distinct power sources to move for instance, gasoline engines and electric motors. Electric cars are vehicles that use no engines only full electricity through charged batteries. Natural gas cars are vehicles that use compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas as a cleaner alternative to other fossil fuels. Gasoline-powered cars are the …show more content…

So, a summary of each type’s pros and cons can get people to make up their decisions. Hybrids’ pros are that they are environmentally friendly, save on fuel, have higher gas mileage and tax breaks as various income tax credit programs motivate drivers to buy hybrid cars while their cons are that they have expensive maintenance, less power, poor handling and high purchase price. On the other hand, Gasoline-powered cars’ pros are that they have more power and reliability, less purchase price, low maintenance costs and can cover wider distances especially on high roads while their cons are that they contribute to pollution, have higher life-time expenses due to fuel consumption and a personal health hazard as exposure to benzene may cause …show more content…

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