
What Are The Three Branches Of Texas Government

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The texas government is divided into three branches, the legislative branch, the executive branch and the judicial branch. They are separated like this because congress gave them different powers to control their own area of government. In my essay I will explain the three branches and their functions on how they are elected. Not every systemes are going to be perfect, however I will also discuss the changes that I would like to see in each branch of the texas government.
The legislative branch is the mot powerful branch out of the three branches because its only function is to make laws. In times of impeachment they also carry the ability to enforce the law. This branch is a binary system that is consist of two sections, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Their powers rest within them being direct electives to the people of texas whose power is only limited by the texas and the U.S constitution. In the house of representative it consist of 150 members voted by texas citizens to fulfil two year terms. The only thing I would change about the legislative branch of Texas government would be the time period of how long the house of representative will serve to equal amount of time as the senate. …show more content…

The federal jurisdiction is consist of two supreme courts, the supreme court of Texas and the courts of criminal appeal. In the court of criminal appeals it mainly deals with criminal cases where as the supreme court controls only civil cases and cases that involves juveniles. At the local and state levels there are 14 court of appeals, several of them are district courts, elected members, justices and judges. Justice represents the supreme court, the court of criminal appeal, and the court of appeals which fulfil six year terms. The judges represent the lower court and fulfil four year

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