
What Caused The American Revolution Essay

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The beginning of the revolution had many factors in what caused it. The American Revolution was the 13 colonies revolting against the British. The British King, King George the III, wanted everything. King George the III really pushed the limit when he demanded he get a piece of everything (tax). This was the first revenue act passed by Parliament, American Duties Act of 1764, known as the Sugar Act. It imposed an import duty, or tax, on sugar, coffee, wines, and other luxury items (Page 121). It was posted to stop smuggling and help keep an eye on illegal goods importing the Americas. After 10 years, the British wanted even more power so they began to try to spread it throughout the 13 colonies. They issued another tax act which was called …show more content…

Unlike the Sugar Act, which was indirectly focused on trade, The Stamp Act was focused directly on people and their businesses. The colonist didn’t like this Act so much that they began to rebel against the Parliament party who started it all. They began to burn down houses, lands, and carriages of stamp distributors (page 123). By this time the economy was in a downward spiral, the wart costed a lot of people their job. The Townsend Act was another indirect import tax but, this time it immediately erupted refusal and boycotting. The colonists were often threatened by the British troops to stay controlled. Instead of fighting and burning down houses, the colonial leaders, told the colonists the only way to fight back is to not import goods of any kind from Britain (Page 127.) The figured the British would still import the tea so instead of refusing imports such as tea, they refused to buy or even drink it. Most of the people were in America just to get away from the King’s control and follow their own rules. The only way The King still had control over them was through trade. The thirteen colonies decided to cut Britain off and trade among themselves. This was the idea of Thomas Paine (common

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