What Caused The Russian Revolution

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The Russian Revolution was a very sad period in Russia. Sad because people died, got hurt and lost family members, all because they were not given the rights they were born with, and fought hard to get it. It all started because of Absolute Monarchism. The rulers in Russia were called Czars, and they had absolute power. Russia’s last Czar was Nicholas the II, and he became a Czar with very little training, because when his dad died he inherited the throne. In 1905 a priest brought a list of grievances, representing thousands of workers that were on strike and demanding for some changes. The Czar was not home so the priest and the workers invaded his home, and unfortunately got shot, and that was the Bloody Sunday. It caused great commotion and protests, so, in the October Manifesto the Czar declared he would make the changes the …show more content…

He conceded to create an elected legislature, called the Duma. But, right after he created it, he continued to rule stubbornly, by resisting the government reformation. The next cause was World War I, which happened in 1914-1918 and it was an absolute disaster. At the beginning of the war Russia’s army performed very poorly, and as a result Nicholas the II proclaims himself the commander-in-chief , but also loses and makes his situation a lot worse. During the war there were more than ten million casualties and extreme poverty as a result. The last main reason was Marxism, which is a philosophy created by Karl Marx, that is basically a way of seeing the world. He believed that in the future the world was going to split into two groups of people. The Proletarian were the workers and the people who made less money, and the Bourgeoisie who were