What Did The Greatest Generation Actuall To Do Between 1939-1949?

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What did the Greatest Generation (The American People in World War II and its aftermath) have to empower them and sustain them during WW II? Rage and anger combined with the desire to get back at an enemy who had the audacity to “wake the sleeping giant” Americans were driven by vengeance; they wanted to destroy the enemy, and return to their normal everyday lives. Home empowered them, they had a longing to do their job (s), end the war, and go home to the things that were familiar: the foods, the smells, the activities, the boredom, the girl, women, wife, the boy, the man the husband, the family and so much more Americana. They wanted to win the war protect and secure freedom for those who were oppressed, and go home! What did the Greatest Generation …show more content…

They worked, they worked as a team everyone had a job to do and the only way to end the madness of war, was too united in mass to secure the freedoms for those who were oppressed. They defeated tyranny, and the men who sought to destroy democracy. They gave their lives and limbs so that Americans can live in freedom. They rebuilt Europe and Japan introduced Europeans and Asian to Westernization, Americanization, and capitalism. In do all of this and more The Greatest Generation created one of the world’s greatest economies. The recovery from the Great Depression was certainly based on military supply requisitions, however, the means to mass produce/manufacture had enhanced domestic products, thus when the men returned from WWII a brave new world awaited. The fear and apprehension of lingering unemployment was removed and, happy days were here again. Job security and mass production of consumer goods became commonplace, the Americanization of Americans was just beginning in the late 1940s. A vast network of national infrastructure was is the pipeline and beginning to take