What Does Crown Mean To Me Essay

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Many things, people, and actions effect your life every day. The symbols affect me in everything I do. Each of the symbols represents something that is an important factor in my life. The three symbols on my mandala are a crown, a smiley face, and an infinity sign. The first symbol, a crown, symbolizes God and Jesus, the smiley face represents friendship, and the importance of my family is showed through the symbol of an infinity sign. All of the symbols impact my life in tremendous ways. A crown is used to display royalty. I chose a crown to represent God because he is the king of all of us. With his help and love, we can achieve anything. God sent Jesus to die for my sins and the sins of the world. He loves us unconditionally and always wants us to follow him. Even when we sin and hurt him, he loves us. This gives me peace of mind because I am not perfect and constantly need forgiveness. In my times of need, I pray knowing that God is there for me, listening to me. Even if the problem is not solved automatically, I know God has a plan and it will work out in the end. I was lucky enough to have grown up in the Catholic church so God has always been a major part of my life. I am very happy to have grown closer to God in the past few years. All …show more content…

To me, a smiley face means happiness or joy. I chose it as the symbol for friendship, because my friends bring me both of those. I can count on friends help in almost any situation. My friends have helped me through many struggles in my life. They support me when I need encouragement. My friends make my life more enjoyable than it would be without them. I always try to be inclusive to all when it comes to hanging out, I do not want anyone to feel alone. I try to be a friend to everyone. No one should have to go through any struggles alone, my friends have helped me realize how lucky I am. My friends are very important to me and I am grateful to have them in my