What Does Egoism Mean To Me

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What egoism means to me? Well egoism defined by me is, that people act in ways that only benefit themselves. They can still help others, but they are only helping others to benefit themselves. It’s like they are being selfless, but at the end of the day you’re not really being selfless. In some type of way, you are benefiting yourself. For example, a guy named John is physiatrist, and he was walking across a bridge and he saw a guy on the ledge. First, John could look at this situation in two ways. He could’ve seen his opportunity to advertise his business or he could’ve been a good samaritan. So, let’s say John talked the guy out of jumping, then he started to gain popularity out of that act of “kindness,” then he starts to mention his office name a lot. So, what does that say? That’s a decent example of egoism. …show more content…

Ben Carson once stated that, “Those of us who believe in God and derive our sense of right and wrong and ethics from God's Word really have no difficulty whatsoever defining where our ethics come from. People who believe in survival of the fittest might have more difficulty deriving where their ethics come from. A lot of evolutionists are very ethical people.” Once I applied this to myself, I figured that it was right. But some people, would agree, with Carson, while others disagree… and that’s okay. For example, a person is falls on the train tracks and starts to scream for help. There is two people that witnessed the accident, but one is child. The adult, was the child’s parent. If you were that child’s parent would you risk your life to save that person that fell or would you think about your child not having you in their life? This is a difficult situation, that most people would freeze up on answering. According to the website Blink, “Ethical decision-making refers to the process of evaluating and choosing among alternatives in a