
What Does It Mean To Be A Revolutionary?

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When looking up the word revolution, the first definition provided by Merriam-Webster states “the usually violent attempt by many people to end the rule of one government and start a new one.” Revolution is often thought of as a change in power is the first thing that comes to mind; However, there is much more to a revolution than violence and politics. I continued looking through the definitions until I came to one that captured my attention. Interestingly enough, I found this definition in the student dictionary “the action or motion of revolving.” Reading this for the first time, I thought that this definition only works when discussing orbits. However, the more I thought about this definition, the more I saw how versatile it was. I looked up all the possible meanings of revolving and came up with “to have a main point.” This how I formed my definition of revolution: “The action or motion of a main point.” …show more content…

The first part of being a revolutionary was having a purpose. The idea of a revolutionary simply being an individual with a purpose is a perfect fit to the carefully chosen definition of revolution I had. Although I agree with the revolutionary actions of King and Satrapi, it is important to extend the focus of revolution in the textbook to more ordinary individuals that have transformed their

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