What Does It Mean To Me Research Paper

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As a twenty-four year old in today’s society there is a lot of pressure to be skinny, to wear the best clothes, to have a successful job, and to meet the man of your dreams. If you are not the skinniest, are not wearing designer clothes, are still trying to figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life, and you are the furthest someone could be from meeting the man of their dreams, society makes you feel as though something is wrong with you. If it were not for my relationship with God and understanding of the Bible, I could easily be one of those girls that would believe I needed to be the skinniest, the prettiest, have the best job, and find an amazing boyfriend to feel like I had meaning or a purpose in life. Of course all of those “things” would be …show more content…

If you were to ask older generations, “What gives life meaning?” you would get a much different answer than what you would have received from today’s generation. Older generations have placed truth and purpose on giving and serving others. Once you are able to find your meaning in purpose you are able to give life meaning, whereas today’s society places emphasis on giving to others in a completely different way. They give to others by placing their entire lives on social media. Today’s generation does not take the time to determine what gives their life meaning, and if they do, they often believe having thousands of followers on Instagram has made their life meaningful. They are so distracted by all the technology that has surfaced over the years that they have lost sight of what really matters. Our current generation takes no time to think and discover what truth is and what gives life meaning. Taking time for yourself is vital and must be done to really get to know what truly matters to you and determine what gives your life