What Does Myrtle Symbolize In The Great Gatsby

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Motif of Great Gatsby America in the Great Gatsby is presented mostly through the scope of class, wealth, and cars. This includes the rich, the poor and anyone in between. The American Dream is defined as someone starting lower on the economic and social level, and then working up towards prosperity and wealth and fame. By having money, a car, a big house, nice clothes and a happy family symbolizes the American dream. This dream also represents that people, no matter who they are, the can become wealthy and successful in life by their work. The American dream not only causes corruption but has caused destruction. Now I will tell you how the destruction affected Myrtle, Daisy, and Gatsby. The desire of a luxurious life is what lures myrtle into …show more content…

I knew I had made a mistake. He borrowed somebody’s best suit to get married in, and never told me about it, and the man came after it one day when he was out…”(Fitzgerald, 37). This shows how materialistic Myrtle is, and that she didn’t appreciate how George couldn’t afford his own suit to get married in. This also shows how the desire of a luxurious life and having the American dream, only caused destruction and destroyed someone’s. Now we will talk about how the motif of the American Dream affected daisy. The hope of happiness is something that Daisy hoped to have, but by finding out she married the wrong guy affected who she is and how she looked at life. Early on in the novel, Daisy finds out a secret that Tom is hiding from her. Jordan says, “She might have the decency not to telephone him at dinner. Don’t you think?” (Fitzgerald, 20) Tom got a call from some women at dinner time, and Jordan claims that the women in Tom are, suggesting that he is with someone else. Tom seems to be abusive towards Daisy later in the story, and rather does not seem to care much about her. Daisy thinks she has everything, wealth, love and happiness which all are connected into the motif of the American dream, but then she has nothing and that she …show more content…

She figures out that she could have married Gatsby but would have love in the relationship as well as money. The chase for the American dream and the ideal man to be with destroyed Daisy’s happiness. Now we will be talking about the ambition of the American dream affected Gatsby. The ambition for Daisy has thrown Gatsby of the edge. His love and chase for Daisy has taken over his whole life. He feels that he has to live up to the American dream to accomplish what he truly dreams for, which is Daisy. While Gatsby was away fighting in war, Daisy met Tom and married him. Daisy had always been rich and Gatsby thought that in order to get Daisy back, he needed to have money so he could provide everything Daisy wanted. There was a green light Gatsby would always look out to. The green light is of great significance in this novel. It becomes evident that this green light is not Daisy, but a symbol representing Gatsby’s dream of having Daisy. Gatsby looks up to the American dream and follows it so he can be the