What Does Sleep Symbolize In Macbeth

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People need sleep. People crave sleep. When a person lacks sleep, health problems occur. Hallucinations also transpire. Often, psychological problems keep the brain from resting. Shakespeare understands the concept well. In the play Macbeth, Shakespeare uses sleep to symbolize innocence. A lack of sleep symbolizes guilt and loss of innocence.
Symbolism shapes significance. Shakespeare embedded numerous symbols in this timeless play. Blood symbolizes guilt. Light symbolizes good. Darkness symbolizes evil. Water symbolizes purification. The author uses sleep, the most noticeable symbol, on several occasions. The three witches use a lack of sleep as the ultimate form of punishment. The “Sleep shall neither night nor day / Hang Upon his penthouse lid” (I, iii, 19-20). The witches punish a woman by taking away sleep from her sailing husband. Even the deranged crones understand the value of sleep. As the ultimate form of rest and relaxation, sleep determines a person's state of mind and body. …show more content…

Poor decisions result in no sleep. Decent actions result in peaceful sleep. The mind needs sleep. While sleeping the mind can relax. Lady Macbeth sleepwalks, and nightmares haunt Macbeth. By killing Duncan, Macbeth destroyed his ability to sleep. Only the innocent can enjoy sleep. “Methought I heard a voice cry ‘Sleep no more! / Macbeth does murder sleep’-the innocent sleep” (II, ii, 35-40). Macbeth’s subconscious warns him of the consequence through hallucinations. He knows deep down that he sleep will not come because of his terrible actions. Lady Macbeth also suffers. She sleepwalks and talks of her wrongdoings. The doctor dubs it a “great perturbation in nature” and unnatural (V, i, 9-10). He hints at her ugly deeds. Unable to handle her punishment, Lady Macbeth takes her own life and receives the final sleep she desperately desired. Some characters lose sleep but, not on their own accord. They suffer from others