What Does The Moon Symbolize In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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A Midsummer Night’s Dream includes symbolism throughout the play in order to convey original ideas and themes. The symbolism provides for an interesting way to link certain parts of the story to one defining symbol. Symbolism possesses the ability to allow the audience to view something differently and interpret something in a way that previously was not possible. Some examples of symbolism in A Midsummer Night’s Dream include the moon, animals, the forest, and the act of seeing or eyesight. The moon provides one of the most prominent examples of symbolism in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The moon symbolizes more than one thing or idea. The moon symbolizes the passing of time. The moon possesses phases and similar to phases time must change as well. The moon also symbolizes a dreamlike state. The act …show more content…

Eyes specifically refer to perception and understanding. The story includes the act of deceiving so eyes and the ability to see things as they are becomes an important reminder. An example of eyesight symbolism takes place when Lysander believes he loves Helena instead of Hermia. His eyes were shut to the truth because of a potion and therefore he lost the ability to see things for what they really were. Another example of eyesight takes place when Hermia states "I would my father look'd but with my eyes" (I.i.53-58). Hermia wishes her father will open his eyes and see things from her point of view instead of keeping them shut and refusing to understand why she wants to be with Lysander. Helena also points out in the play that she has equivalent beauty to Hermia, however, Demetrius still wants Hermia over Helena. This points out that eyes themselves lack perception and understanding. Eyes do not play a role in love as much as the mind does because even though the beauty between Hermia and Helena was equal that fact did not influence Demetrius desire for