
What Extent Was James Cameron And His Journey To The Deepest Part Of The Ocean Alone

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James Cameron and His Journey to The Deepest Part of The Ocean Alone
Have you ever wondered what is at the bottom of the Mariana Trench? Well just go ask James Cameron who made the first solo trip down to the bottom of the Mariana Trench on March 26, 2012. James Cameron rode in the Deepsea Challenger submarine, and it took him over 2 hours to decent all the way to the bottom. James Cameron was 7 miles down in the ocean with 16,000 (PSI) pounds per square inch pressing down on his shuttle. The journey taken by James Cameron, an explorer and filmmaker, had an inspirational journey for scientific exploration of the ocean floor. Explorer James Cameron went into the pitch black abyss where no light can reach at that depth. To be able to explore these kinds of depths requires an incredible feat of engineering of technology for specifically exploring and research. Although there were lights on the submarine with a window that was extremely thick James Cameron could not see much farther out past his shuttle and what the lights illuminated. …show more content…

Well James Cameron states, “That he was hoping to call attention to the need for more deep-sea research and possibly to collect some samples.” He also stated that, “All of my nervousness about the dive was before, like the day before I’d stop and think about it for 10 minutes,” he said. “But when I was there and closing the hatch, I was just excited to see what was down there, like a kid in the car going to Disneyland.” The reason James Cameron took a trip to the bottom of the Mariana Trench was because he wanted to show the importance of exploration and research and he also wanted to explore and he was second guessing himself but when he got into the submarine all he felt was excitement to see what no one had ever seen

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