What Factors Allowed The Spanish Force To Overtake The Aztecs

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How was a small Spanish army able to defeat the entirety of the large, warlike Aztec empire in only two years? While there are many contributing factors that led to a victory against such odds, there are a few key causes that allowed the Spanish force to overcome the Aztecs. Namely, there are three most important factors: 1. The trusting nature of the Aztecs toward the Spaniards, 2. The differences in warfare between the two forces, and 3. The more advanced technology of the Spaniards. These three factors will be discussed and explored in this paper. Aztecs’ Trust of Spaniards One of the most important factors that allowed the Spaniards to overtake the Aztecs was the generally trusting attitude the Aztecs held toward the Spaniards. This can be broken down further into two different aspects. First, many Aztecs, including, most importantly, their ruler Motecuhzoma, initially “…believ[ed] that they might be Quetzalcoatl and other divinities returning to Mexico, as the codices and traditions promised they would." …show more content…

The Aztecs greeted them when they first arrived in Mexico with many gifts of welcome, made with materials highly valuable to the Aztecs such as gold, quetzal feathers, turquoise, shells, and mother-of-pearl (León-Portilla 23-25). And when the Spaniards arrived at the capital city of Tenochtitlan, Motecuhzoma greeted them with gifts of gold and flowers and praised them as gods (León-Portilla 63-64). Had the Spaniards been peaceful, this would not be relevant; however, the Spaniards took advantage of this openness and kindness from the Aztecs and immediately imprisoned Motecuhzoma and placed a guard over the city. Had the Aztecs not viewed the Spaniards as gods and welcomed them into their city without any suspicion, the Spaniards would have had a much harder, perhaps impossible time defeating