What Features Did The New States Incorporate That Reflected Their Colonial Experience?

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1. The states were required to make new instruments of government when the colonies began to separate from Britain. What were two questions that the states found that they had to answer? -“What did it mean to replace royal authority with institutions based on popular rule?” -“…who were ‘the people’?” 2. What features did the new states incorporate that reflected their colonial experience? -State constitutions formed governments that were similar to colonial governments, with the only exception being that the state constitutions had elected governors and senates. 3. Explains important details in the state constitutions written in Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Massachusetts. Why did state legislatures gain power? Why did …show more content…

The people wanted more control of the decisions in their government. Also the governors lost power because some saw him as a small king that ruled them. -The Pennsylvania constitution let men who paid taxes vote and run for political offices. Also the people were capable to govern themselves through a small united body of government. The South Carolina constitution said in order for white men to vote, they must own a supplement of land, and in order to run for political offices they must own more land. The Massachusetts constitution created a republican government and let elected officials make the decisions for the state. 4. What powers were given to the central government under the Articles of Confederation? What powers were denied the central government under this document? - The central government controlled diplomacy, creating money, resolving issues among the states and organizing an army. -The central government could not raise taxes in order to make more money, but it could ask for money from the states. The states did not have an obligation to give it to them. 5. Why was this document the most practical solution for the new …show more content…

The Articles put limitations on the continental congress, such as requesting not forcing states to supply the congress with resources. It also gave more power to the people by making votes unanimous, as in nine states would have to approve of a decision. The articles set a foundation for the new constitution to be set in place. 9. What Was the Newburgh Conspiracy? -The Newburgh Conspiracy involved a group of soldiers worried that they weren’t going to get their pay from the war, so a group supposedly met without authorization. Washington then confronted the group and told them that if they decided to rebel, it would cause great civil unrest and make the young states take a step back from achieving freedom. 10. Explain the land policy created by the new government. -The Land Ordinance of 1785 sold land that used to belong to the Indians, but was now the states. They divided the land into thirty-six sections and sold the 640 acres of land, one acre was no less than one dollar. This ordinance put money back into the hands of the congress, but some money went to schools in the new townships that were