What Ideas Should Improve School Uniforms?

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School uniforms create an identity and it also makes students from one school stands out from other schools. It can also help with the cost that parents have to spend to pay for the outfits. “Also Purchasing a school uniform can be less stressful and less expensive than purchasing regular school clothes” (“School Uniforms” 1). Having a uniform policy can help improve the school, because it promotes a positive attitude among the students. It can also show that the school is unique and shows that its diverse. A uniform policy enforces school safety, helps students feel confident in school and make it easier to shop for clothes. Potential students can feel like they are in a safer place. Also, 79 percent of students feel safer (Daniel 2). With a dress code “67 percent saw an improvement in student concentration...72 percent saw an increase in school spirit” (Daniel 2). That can also be possible because the school is probably giving the students a dress down day, but they have to wear something that is school appropriate so it can help the school show pride (Daniel 2). With a good dress code it will also reduce the fact that people will stop complaining about others wearing the same clothes because with a dress code it makes it harder for people to get bullied for what they wear (Daniel 2) Students attitude towards teachers change because they limit the stuff that people wear to school. For example Pocono Mountain East can’t wear a hoodie. Their is other stuff that can be worn